Black Hills State University Newman Center

Newman Center Mission

The mission of the Catholic Newman Center is to bring students and faculty of Black Hills State University to Jesus Christ through the Gospel and full participation in the life of the Church, challenging them to be faithful disciples and preparing them for their Christian mission in the world.

The Newman Center offers a space for great fellowship, prayer, spiritual growth, service, fun activities and a family atmosphere while attending college.  Our pastors, missionaries and advisors will help our JacketCatholic students find room for Christ in a busy campus life.


What is JacketCatholic?

JacketCatholic is a Catholic Student Organization on the campus of Black Hills State University.  The focus of this club is to help strengthen and grow your Catholic faith during your college experience. It provides spiritual and social growth opportunities for not only Catholic and non-Catholic students, but also for faculty and staff members.

Follow our journey.